Time Wasters


Busy Days

Foreword: my honest suggestion is ignoring this post all together. I decided I don't like it. But I couldn't just remove these words from existence... they deserve life, too.



Today was incredibly busy. Like... I don't want to get into it. Let's just say.

Wake up, your mundane life is starting, ass.

Pictured: First period.
It started here. It went here --------------^ 

Oh, oops. Wrong picture. I mean.
Look at those smiles. Those are smiles of ANGUISH!
yeah, here. Sure. That works.
It stayed here for 7 hours. Then, I had to somehow get to a piano lesson.
At 3.
School ends at 2:15.
Traffic usually gets me home by 3:30.
I live about 6 minutes away.
The piano place is 12 minutes away.

Well, either way. Turns out, it was moved to 4.

Wow. This was a super pointless post. I apologize, public.
Please accept this apology:

What is this I don't even...
Goodnight, all.

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