Time Wasters


The week that the computer died.

A/N: This was added in when I was nearly done with this entry. Good afternoon, kids. Feeling down? Well, I hope this helps:
Spoiler alert: Snap kills Dumbly-Dumm.

There's only a few days until the movie comes out, and even though I can't say I'm a HUGE fan, I must say that I am pretty excited to see it.
That picture is ridiculous.


What to say on this day of days? Well, nothing really. I actually had to fight to make myself do this. I was sitting in my 3rd (technically second but whatever) "block", in creative writing class, and remembered Days Gone By.
 Here it is... no REAL need to click. [:
"Oh, no!" I said to myself. "I've forgotten my small blog that absolutely no one reads!" 

This is when I realized that I will probably lose my hyperlinks, and that would be super depressing. No one will know that the only thing above my words here is a simple light bulb, signifying my revelation that my picture's URLs will all eventually be broken links on the page. 

This was completely purposeful. Hah.

My blog just auto-saved. Do you know what that means? I could CLOSE this page and all that I would be missing is this explaination. <----That's spelled wrong. But I am not going to let my auto-correct fix it, because it is not broken.

I am not broken, either. Not yet. No one's foul words and harsh glares have broken me down completely. Am I funny? 
Am I pretty?
Am I talented?
Hell, no.
Am I worth reading about?
Probably not.
Am I keeping you interested?

You tell me.  

I was thinking the other day: The reflections on the walls and the echoes in the mirror: Something I said a while ago. It had a profound effect on a girl standing in the bathroom with me. I did not, do not, probably will not ever know this girl, but she was amazed.
Something like that. Well, Ehhh. I don't know if it was that persay... 

More like that, really. That picture also took about 20 minutes to load. haha. I mean, she didn't put her hands to her face, because she was washing them at the time and they would've been wet and uncomfortable to do so. Oh, and she didn't have skeleton hands--but that would've been really awesome. 
A girl today in my History class thought that Amsterdam was in Massachusetts. [ \ ] <--This was accidentally typed, but it is beautiful and deserves to stay there.
I told her "No, it's in The Netherlands."
"Ohhhh! I'm so dumb, okay! Yeah!" she says.
Then, some boy leans forward and says, "Wait... No. Amsterdam is in Denmark." to me.
I said, "Yes, also known as The Netherlands."

A boy named P**** K***y goes, "SHA-BOOM!! KILL SHOT!" complete with arm pump.

It made me smile. 

Later, I found out that I was wrong:

Not Pictured: Massachusetts.
But I don't speak harshly of this girl. In fact, I don't blame her. Did you know that there's a Paris, Texas? Next time someone says that they're going on a trip to Paris, you can laugh and tell them to pick up some Bar-B-Q for you. :]
"Come, take a taste of my meat..."

Yum yum yum yum yum. If you like that sort of thing. Personally, I have to suggest vegetarianism, myself. 

Yeah, now that John's dead, there isn't much meat that Paulie's been too interested in...
I was doin' it before I knew he was, though, honest. <3 (Oh, and the caption? TOTALLY not my idea. Mostly. Actually, I lied. I'm completely alone in my room, but in hopes that most people will take it with good humor.)

What else do I have to say? How did I start this? Oh, well. Sigh--what to say, what to say? Now That I've gone back and added that beginning bit, I feel like I should try to end this with a smile.

My dog looks just like that. 

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