Time Wasters


"I read it in an article online..."

Do you hear that sentence I started with? Utter RUBBISH. Rubbish, I say!
Right now, I'm talking to my friend on the 'phone.
Your phone on drugs.

And now I'm not. What's there to say? Well,

If you start your kids in school early,
they'll be more okay with dropping out.
Seriously? That's so garbage...
but I started school at 4...
and I'm kind of okay with dropping out..

but you don't understand.
It's because I hate my schedule...
and my teachers...
and the friends I don't have
and I'm kind of okay with dropping out.

Oh God.

Do I think I'm awesome because I don't really want to finish school?
Not really. There should be a question mark there... ass.

Not at all. In fact, it terrifies me. I want to be amazing. Not mediocre. I want to be offered a handshake.

A real, honest-to-goodness, old fashioned "this is what we did in the good ol' days" handshake and said,

"We are offering you a CAREER."

THAT would make me drop out.

Not Mrs.Swiss-consin
Not Mrs. Math teacher from Hell
Not Mrs. Full-of-meself
Not even Mac Truffles.

None of THEM. I despise them. I will not let them beat me.
It doesn't help that I see.... it every day. That awful reminder that no, I can't have even ONE chance.
I'm happiest when I'm miserable.

Miserable. Miserable. Hah. What a funny word that is. "Miserable". From the French miserable... which is the same damn thing. Either way, I'm not really sure what to describe it as anymore. I don't think I'm depressed:

And that's why I'm going to stop here..


I will spin you a -------^^^^^^^^^^^^___________________________^^^^^^^^ if you'd like to hear it.

i see what you did there

so much better than my "yarn" photo, no?
     Once upon a time, there was a little BOY. He had a best friend that he called drone. His best friend called him sketch. Actually, everyone did. His mommy died when he turned 9 years old. But he never knew his DAD, so it was just that much worse. He's 17 now, taking care of his little brother, Max-a-million. What's his name? Oh, I can't tell you. And neither will he. WHY? Well, his name died along with his mother. (I know, right?) and now he is only, just, and nothing but sketch. Because he. Can. Draw. I have no good evidence, because it is always washed away before I can photograph it. It is often not drawn in legal places, but it's OK because he never gets caught. He is in a ROCKN'ROLL BAND. The lead guitarist, a kid who looks like JIMI HENDRIX. And that (left) is drone. only younger.

It really doesn't matter what the picture says.
The reason they call him drone is because his last name is BUMBLE, and a "drone" is a type of bee. (<<See image.) The keyboardist is a boy we call wheels, and he is SICK. (Poor sicky wheels is ssick.) He has cancer, and he is terminal. He has blonde hair. He is not called wheels because he is in a wheelchair (but he is.) he is called wheels because he was the first BOY sketch and drone ever met that could ride a TWO WHEELER. The drummer is a boy named peter parker. Well, not really. that's his nickname. He has a TWIN BROTHER, and we call his twin venom, because sketch found out that he had a brother and had to name him. Peter Parker and Venom share the last name Webb, and it's a spiderman reference.


Anyways. Our boy sketch is the bassist. He juggles school (which the poor lad hates), his family (well, his brother), his "job" (acquiring money and "job" are really the same thing...) his friends (which are so good to him, but not good enough) and the band (which has a terminally ill member and an amazing sound). This boy sketch has a good heart. He is respectful. He is kind. He is strong and independent. And he meets the love of his life one day.

She is a GIRL, eyes violet and hair copper (<that's not the right color, but whatever. You know what copper looks like) and a wild, staring look and crooked grin that makes him fall heels over head for her. He likes her like mad. Her name is STELLA, but he sees her and calls her "Venus". WHY? "Because, you're the prettiest thing in the universe." And she smiled. sketch wants to marry this girl. Then, she doesn't mean to, but she does. She breaks his heart. She shatters sketch into a thousand thousand pieces and she cannot speak to him.
Sketch lives his hard life. He sells his drugs (that he hates doing but van gogh ((vincent, who is (((I swear))) a mafioso with his hair and accent and cough and demands for respect)) insists and asks him to, and why not? van gogh is one of his best friends), takes care of his brother, plays his guitar, misses his mom, goes to school, helps his friends, all and all is fine. Life goes on. He can't avoid seeing HER and he just wants to forgive her and get married and have kids and get out of his filthy city.

pictured: the epitome of filth

Then, sketch gets robbed. He brings max-a-million to the bus stop, and they mug him on the street. They see that he had 250 (in cash, no less!) in his wallet, but what they don't know is that that money is all that he has to live on until he makes more.his savings, checking, debts, bills, loans, spending money, food money, gas money, is all there in that 250. And they make him lead them back to his apartment. And they see that it is empty. No furniture. He had to sell it; but he would never tell anyone. not sketch. So, they force him into the place and see that it's empty? Funny kid. Funny kid. They take the only thing he has: his mom's necklace. From the good times. And what can he do but sit there?
And they leave. And he cries. He cries the way that a boy who had to become a man at 9 years old can. And he cried, because it was gone. His mom was gone.

Christmas rolls around. Sketch is somehow presevering. (< I spelled that wrong but will keep it that way because it's BEAUTIFUL!) Then, van gogh comes up to him and he says "i don't want to see you, van gogh. please. let me be, will you?" but he just shrugs "okay," he says, "i was just gonna give yous this. sorry i didn't wrap it or nothin'." and he tosses something through the air, and sketch catches it. why did van gogh have his mom's necklace? how did he find it for him? "thank you." was all he said..
and then his DAD shows up. His father who he's never met, but knew existed. He comes. WHY? It's a month and a half after his birthday, it's 8 years from his mother's death. WHY? He thought that sketch was 18. WRONG, sir. He's 17. He wanted money. He saw the empty apartment and was upset. Asked max-a-million about it, and max said "this is all we have." So he asked "where does your brother keep all your shopping money?" and the poor little boy says,


Remember to love and you shall be loved in return. If anyone (at all) asks for the remainder of the story of sketch, I will gladly share it. Goodnight, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you. It's your buddy from history. (: Tell me the rest of the story!
